Pedemontana Lombarda – 20% Discount

The agreement provides a 20% discount on tolls starting from the 6th day of transit within the same calendar month.

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The discount applies regardless of the number of trips made on the same day. Tolls incurred during the first 5 days of transit are always charged at full price.

The Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda agreement is valid until June 30, 2025.

Applicable Sections
The agreement is valid across the entire Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda (APL) network. However, the promotion excludes trips on the interconnection ramps between the Tangenziale di Como (A59) and the A9 highway, which are managed by Autostrade per l’Italia.

Activation Process
The agreement is automatically active once the conditions set by the relevant concessionaire are met.

The promotion is monthly: at the end of each calendar month, the count of transit days is reset. Therefore, each month, you need to transit for more than 5 days to benefit from the discount. For more details, visit: https://apl.pedemontana.com/nuovo-piano-sconti-2021.

Automatically activate with UnipolMove
Other conventions
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